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May 9, 2014

This month SEAMS was selected by Models 1 as one of their favourite daily essential items. As you can see from this image taken at a recent Models 1 event, we are alongside healthy snacks, quality skincare and expert make-up, we are so happy that SEAMS has become such an important part in models’ everyday looking-good regime! I have met lots of models since creating SEAMS and they have all had almost-perfect hands thanks to their good hand care routines.

Seams is a Models 1 daily essential

Although most models’ hand care habits are extreme, we can adapt them to help keep our hands beautiful. If you’re a hand model for example, your hands are crucial to your fortune, so everyday tasks like peeling a potato are approached with, as one model put it, “cautious  lunacy”. This isn’t surprising when you consider that some models hands are insured for up to five million pounds! Even opening a can of drink is risky, because if it breaks the skin they are at risk of losing a lot of work. So in order to protect hands, all hand models wear gloves religiously! I know of one lady who owns over 500 pairs! Of course for most of us, wearing gloves 24/7 is impossible, but what we can learn from this is that gloves pay a huge part in keeping hands soft, protected and callous-free. So always wear them when the weather is cold and use rubber gloves when doing any manual work like cleaning, gardening or washing up. We are often in such a hurry that gloves get forgotten! A good ‘model habit’ to get into is wearing driving gloves. One of the main causes of ageing hands is from sunlight contact whilst they are on a steering wheel.

Diet also plays a huge part in keeping a model’s hands healthy. White spots on nails is as much a no-no for a hand model as freckles and age spots, so models are advised to eat a diet rich in Zinc, protein and calcium to stop them appearing. Caffeine and chocolate should also be avoided as models have to keep their hands steady, sometimes they will be expected to hold objects for long periods without leaning on anything and without shaking. It can take up to 12 hours to film just a 30 second film, and caffeine and chocolate can make hands shake more. If your nails are cracking or splitting try eating more foods with Vitamin B2 like almonds, eggs and oily fish. If they are dry and brittle I suggest to increase your Vitamin A and calcium levels. If cuticles are dry a Zinc-rich diet and massaging in SEAMS Hand cream will help soften them. SEAMS  hand cream contains plenty of Keratin which is the best to help make your nails strong and heal split cuticles.

But the ultimate secret of keeping your hands looking young, as agreed by all models and agents I have met so far, is the regular use of hand cream! The girls at Models 1 love SEAMS not just because of its velvet feel and soothing scent, but because its light non-greasy texture absorbs into skin very quickly which is vital for use around expensive fabrics whilst on a shoot. I have heard that some models can use it up to thirty times a day, which is great but not practical for all of us! I advise that if you are only going to use hand cream once a day then keep a tube of SEAMS by your bed. Applying SEAMS just before you go to sleep has the most beneficial effects and provides a great opportunity to make the most of its calming and soothing ingredients like Lavender and Fragonia Oil. Skin goes into repair mode when you sleep, so moisturising  hands at this time is vital as this is when they will be most receptive to the unique replenishing, repairing and restoring properties of SEAMS.

Always keep SEAMS close to hand.

Karen J Gerrard

East Kent Lifestyle

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